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Posts Tagged ‘Cyber War’

More sites added today to the reported Epsilon Marketing Breach. Read the rest of this entry »

Newly Released – a customized version of the Symantec Internet Security Threat Report for 2010.

Symantec Logged 286 Million Threats In 2010… more than 40 percent more mobile vulnerabilities than a year ago.


More sites added today to the reported Epsilon Marketing Breach. Today TIAA-CREF and were added. Many Security Experts believe that the Epsilon breach will lead to an increase in “spear phishing” attacks, those that take advantage of known trust relationships between corporations and customers by crafting personalized messages that address recipients by name, thereby increasing the apparent authenticity of the email. Read the rest of this entry »
This is an in-depth analysis and attack data from HP DVLabs. Documenting security vulnerabilities and breaches for 2010. The goal of this report is to arm enterprise IT, network and security administrators with information on the attacks targeting their data centers and networks. Read the rest of this entry »
On March 30th, an incident was detected where a subset* of Epsilon clients' customer data were exposed by an unauthorized entry into Epsilon's email system. The information that was obtained was limited to email addresses and/or customer names only. A rigorous assessment determined that no other personal identifiable information associated with those names was at risk. A full investigation is currently underway. Read the rest of this entry »
Many Security Experts believe that the Epsilon breach will lead to an increase in “spear phishing” attacks, those that take advantage of known trust relationships between corporations and customers by crafting personalized messages that address recipients by name, thereby increasing the apparent authenticity of the email. Read the rest of this entry »
Many Security Experts believe that the Epsilon breach will lead to an increase in “spear phishing” attacks, those that take advantage of known trust relationships between corporations and customers by crafting personalized messages that address recipients by name, thereby increasing the apparent authenticity of the email. Read the rest of this entry »
“To ... not prepare is the greatest of crimes; to be prepared beforehand for any contingency is the greatest of virtues." ~Sun Tzu Read the rest of this entry »
Many Security Experts believe that the Epsilon breach will lead to an increase in “spear phishing” attacks, those that take advantage of known trust relationships between corporations and customers by crafting personalized messages that address recipients by name, thereby increasing the apparent authenticity of the email. Read the rest of this entry »
"On March 30th, an incident was detected where a subset of Epsilon clients' customer data were exposed by an unauthorized entry into Epsilon's email system. The information that was obtained was limited to email addresses and/or customer names only. A rigorous assessment determined that no other personal identifiable information associated with those names was at risk. A full investigation is currently underway," Read the rest of this entry »